• Healing Circles

    “When women gather, great things will happen.” – Leymah Gbowee 

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    A New Moon Women's Circle

    The New Moon is a long standing traditional time for Woman to gather. At this time of the lunar cycle the Moon is at its darkest, the perfect time for us to internalise our thoughts and feelings. Putting energy to create intention for the coming month.

    Join me as I create a safe and trusted circle of energy that you are able to feel yourself, vulnerable, powerful, scared, strong, or all of those at the same time. There are no expectations that you need to be, or come with, what happens in the circle, stays in the circle.

    During the circle, we will gather, I will introduce the energies being experienced in this time and we will go around the circle for each woman to introduce herself and outline what has drawn her to join the circle.

    Then Oracle cards will be revealed for potential inspiration or guidance on what her intention for this month could be. Then the talking stick will be passed round for each of us to give to the circle what it is that is coming to mind, heart or emotion for her it that time. This can be a tender time, or an exciting time. Please know you are welcome to share or not share as much as you are wanting to.

    I will then finish the circle with a deeply reaching guided meditation which you are welcome to stay sitting or lay down on the mats. We will then close the circle.


    Held every Saturday closest to the New Moon at The Holistic Hub, Market Rasen, Please check dates and times each month.


    Suggested donation is £8/10/12 depending on your value of the session.


    You can book and make your donation here or just send me a message and bring cash to the offering bowl

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    Wild Woman

    Full Moon Fire Ceremony

    Join us at Top Farm, Lissington. Where we have the ability to sit under the full moon in circle round the flames of a wild fire. Come rain or Moon Shine this gathering can take place.


    In this Wild Woman's gather, allow me to hold a powerful space between the moon and the fire, lead you to ways to release from you anything that has risen with this moon that is time to let go.

    We will gather round the fire, share a tea. Take the opportunity to take a stick, and share or not share what thoughts, feelings or emotions come to you at this time.

    I will bring what comes to me, guided meditation to release stuck emotions, I may drum, call in guides to help with healing. Pass on messages.


    Guaranteed these meetings are always powerful, magical and will leave you feeling connected, heard, understood, united and powerful.



    Please bring a cover to keep warm. And your own mug. We hope the weather is good enough to be outdoors round the fire pit, if however the wind or rain should be too much, we will gather in the large growing house, still under the moon, round a smaller fire.

    (And if weather should prevent even this from happening we can use the indoor blue healing room, so rest assured, our gathering can happen regardless)


    Please check with me on the day if you want to check what the final plans are.


    Our Gathering is held every month on the Saturday closest to the Full Moon. Time varies according to Sunset


    Suggested donation is £8/10/12 depending on your value of the session.


    You can book and make your donation here or just send me a message and bring cash to the offering bowl

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    Men's Mindful Circle

    Come join our Mindful Group for Men once a month. A safe space, free of judgement, openminded, common experiences. No sharing or hugs necessary, yet freely accepted if the need arises. We will sit together in circle as equals, to listen, share if needed.

    Here we address states of mentality.
    What is overwhelm?
    What takes you away from the present moment.
    What is escapism/addiction.

    And what simple steps and practices can we do daily to overcome these?
    What can I accept, or control?
    What is healing from the past?
    Stilling the mind for better concentration and performance.
    Guided meditation.

    Each meeting, I Laura, will pass on the insight I gain from my successful experiences as a healer and the practices that can be used to bring calm and meaning to life again. Also what I intuitively sense is happening throughout the collective at these times.

    Each month we will be joined by a guest therapist who will offer a different practice for the group the try. This could be a Breathwork Facilitator, A Sound Healer, A Movement Coach, Yogic Practitioner.... Plenty of explanation will be given as to who will join us the following month to better make sure those coming know what to expect.

    We will meet once a month, the 2nd Monday of every month, 7pm-9pm

    Cost is by Donation £8/£10/£12

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    Men's Wild Fire Gathering

    Come join our Concious gathering for Men once a month. A safe space, free of judgement, openminded, common experiences. Sitting together round a wild fire. Where connection, support and understanding can be shared.


    Hot drinks available, please bring a mug. This takes place at land 3 miles just north of Market Rasen. Please message for the address after booking.




    Cost is by Donation £8/£10/£12

    Shared circles coming soon........

    uniting brothers and sisters.

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    Little Women Circle's

    The world can be a confusing place, especialy so for girls navigating a turbulent time in life.


    This circle is created for girls between 12-16years old to come together and feel held in a safe space in like minded company. Topics will be raised that may be relevant to them such as big emotions, changing bodies, periods, friendships, bullying, self confidence, social boundaries, will power, intuition.... and many more


    Ceremony is an important part of life. The girls will be given the opportunity to release what they carry in the flame of the sacred candle. Sometimes we will use oracle cards. Sometimes we will study the teachings of Moon Cycles, Emotional Regulation, Boundaries.... all delivered in a fun way in a group and 1to1 setting.


    Soul Mending is a Shamanic practice that allows ther person to grow into the next stage of life, without leaving soul fragments behind. Together we can ensure that each girl recovers any parts of herself that were lost at times of distress or trauma, fully integrates these back into her being and when the time is right, will receive a Rite's of passage ceremony welcoming her into Adolescence, the next stage of the Soul Journey. A very Sacred and important journey to take.