Past, Present & Future
Grace G. Laycy. & Laura Lives Lovingly
Sat 8th March
£25 deposit
Join Grace G. Laycy. and I as we hold a space together which will bring you comfort and healing.
The day will consist of a welcoming circle, where foresight will be given into the collective energies and healings, where we're at currently and what's coming round the corner.
We will have a break with hot drinks and nibbles, (provided) then each person will be invited privately to receive either a 15min 1to1 psychic/medium reading, oracle card reading or mini seated chair massage treatment with energy healing.
After which we will gather in circle again to fulfil a nourishing craft together and recount over our day together.
Emerging Through The Shadow
Laura Lives Lovingly
Sat 22nd March
£25 deposit
This will be an empowering and gratifying day. As an Energy Intuitive I will be teaching the importance of recognising ourselves as energetic beings living in a conscious living energy world and how are vibration and frequency is constantly speaking to the universe all around us and how what we put out, we get back.
All my events are always also carefully designed to enhance the collective energies of the day. Emerging through the Shadow on the Powerful Equinox will be bringing balance to the past 6 months when we were spiritually encouraged, or at times forced, to meet our shadow sides. The idea being to LOVE our Shadows.
This day I will give a Shadow Side workshop, explaining what our Shadow sides are, why the lightworkers have experienced just so much Shadow in their lives, and what the ultimate goal is to work with our Shadows to travel to a place of Heart Centred Unity.
Hot Lunch, Drinks and Nibbles provided, giving you a day of self care, exploration, learning, growing, empowering and healing.
Om Chanting Meditation
Fri 4th April
7-9pm £10/12/15
Join us as we gather in a circle to experience the healing effect of Om Chanting. This is a powerful practice that uses a continuous rolling Om as a group to build a resonance which triggers a high frequency healing on the physical body.
We will arrive together and unite our circle with sharing our names and previous experiences of and Chanting or expectations of the event. And overview of the Om Chanting, explanation and demo will be given.
The Om Chanting will then last for up to 60mins, which does sound like a long time to chant for, but anyone who experiences the emersion will tell you that it passes very quickly.
Then, there is some time remaining to share a cup of tea if you wish and relate experiences of your Om journey.
Easter Healing Day
Laura Lives Lovingly & Green Man Gongs
Sat 19th April
4-8pm £45
Nettleham Lincoln
On this day, you will be held in a safe and sacred space with the emphasis to of healing Heart Energy.
4pm We will arrive and sit ourselves down in a large circle around the Gongs. Myself and Jason from GreeanManGongs, will talk about the transition from Mind, to Heart Energy that we are shifting through as a collective, and how we as individuals can aid this shift into our Heart Spaces. And, how frequencies can aid the healing of Heart energy. This can be a tender process when the Heart holds past hurts, allowing this gentle release is powerful.
5pm We will prepare to lay down comfortably with as many cushions, blankets, eyemaskes, pillows you need to stay comfy and warm, there are some available, but please bring you own if you have them.
You will receive a deeply healing channelled guided Meditation from LauraLivesLovingly to take you into a place of DEEP relaxation to the subconscious and a heart healing journey. Then from this place of deep relaxation, you will then receive GreenManGongs Intuitive Gong Bath Journey.
7pm A time to come around slowly in your own time, grab a hot drink and some nourishing energy balls to ground you again after your healing. We then sit again in the Circle around the Gongs to share a single word or a sentence or two, about your experience of your journey and the impact it gave you. There is usually some time remaining to have a chat or moment of silence at the end as we prepare to finish at 8pm.
Beltane Healing Day
Laura Lives Lovingly & Green Man Gongs
Sat 3rd May
12-4pm £45
Nettleton Market Rasen
Join us for a Beltane Healing Day, bringing through for you the strong energies of Beltane. The Green Man energy for healing and balancing, especially for the Masculine energies within us all, men and women in a strong held, safe space by LauraLivesLovingly & GreenManGongs
12pm arriving and settling in. Exploring energy healing, what is it, and how does it correlate with the current energy shifts we are going through.
1pm It is time to lay down comfortably with all you need to relax for up to 2hrs on the floor, bed, or even staying on the chair if that's your preference. There are some inflatable mattresses that can be used. You can bring your own. Blankets, pillows eyemasks make your experience even cosier, the deeper you can relax, the more you can gain from the experience.
Here you will receive a a guided relaxation from LauraLivesLovingly to connect you to your subconscious self, then a channelled guided Meditation will release or heal blocks you may be experiencing. Then straight from this place of deep relaxation, GreenManGongs will continue with an Intuitive Gong Bath lasting up to 90min.3pm There is plenty of time to come round from your journey at your own pace. Tea and Hot drinks will be available with Energy balls and Healthy Gluten Free Vegan nibbles to help ground and revive you. Then we have the opportunity to share our sensation of the journey we encountered with the group, and have some time to connect before we finish.
Laura is an Energy Intuitive and Holistic Healer in Raja Yogic and Shamanic Meditation and hosts heart based sharing circle healings.
Jason is a Frequency/Sound Therapy Gong Master & Advanced Gong Master Trained with Don Conroux/Aidan McIntyre
Please bring with you anything you might need to stay comfortable laying down for up to 2 hours. Some inflatable beds are available to borrow and plenty of cushioned mats too. We advise bringing extra pillows, cushions, blankets, eyemasks. Although some are available to borrow if you need more.
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Yoga & Holistic Studio
The Holistic Hub
23 Market Place
Market Rasen
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